Outdoor workouts can help in more ways than you think when the weather's nice!
Outdoors you get:
- Fresh air
- Sunlight
- An environment to break up the mundane
- People (sometimes, if you want)
Ideas for outdoors:
- Find a park online CLICK HERE to search Google Maps
- Walk, walk, walk (put on a podcast or music)
- Run
- Do sprints
- Walking lunges
- Find a park and do the workout below 👇
- Find a kids park with monkey bars and do the monkeybar workout below 👇
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 10-15 body-weight squats
- 15 push-ups
- 15 lunges per leg
- 60 second plank
- Rest 1 minute, then REPEAT as many times as you can!
- Pick point A and point B to sprint between
- Sprint 20 seconds to one point, rest 10 seconds, then sprint back to start
- REPEAT 10 times
- Find a path or grassy area where you won't be in the way of others trying to walk or run
- Do walking lunges 100 to 200 meters (or as far as you can go!)
- Rest 1 minute, then REPEAT as many times as you can!
*Disclosure statement: I am not a doctor, nor do I pretend to be. I'm a nutritionist and certified health coach with an MS in Nutrition. Since you are not a paid, specific client of mine, be smart, man! If you have a medical condition or injury, see your doctor or physical therapist before trying any special dietary way of eating, add any supplements, or do any type of movements or workouts. None of the information on this site is intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition. By using this site, you agree to these terms.
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